
Reach the key decision-makers in the construction industry

Byggindustrin is Sweden's leading industry magazine for the community building sector. We are in both print as well as web and give our readers the latest news, the most important analyzes and answers to the questions that the industry is looking for. Our esteemed monthly magazine is growing steadily in edition, as well as the visits to And our ambition is to always give the country's construction companies increased business benefits – when you want to reach Sweden's construction sector, we have solutions!

Why the construction industry?

  • decision makers on managerial positions in community building
  • The majority is responsible for the purchase of construction products and services
  • Decides on the future construction projects in Sweden


readers per number




page views/week

Here you will find all information about digital advertising

  • 22.000 unique visitors/week
  • 80.000 page views/week
  • The newsletter has 55,000 recipients

Panorama980 × 240 px / 980 x 60015.000 sek
Module/Item Module640 x 36015.000 sek
Outsider300 x 600 / 300 x 25012.000 sek
Module 2620 × 240 px / 320 × 320 px12.000 sek
Native-module35.000 sek
Newsletter600 × 120 px12.600 sek
Take over1920 x 1080 px35.000 sek
Material specification

Materials must be submitted to us no later than three working days before campaign starts, except for take overs to be with us five working days before publication. The material is submitted via material link which is sent to your e -mail.

Size: Max Kilobyte 150 KB. Takeover 300kb.

Keep in mind that:

  • All banners must be tested before we get the material to us
  • No sound or streaming may appear in the ads
  • We reserve the right to deny material due to editorial decisions.


With an ad in the construction industry's newsletter you reach three times a week out to 55,000 decision makers in the Swedish Construction Sector. In the newsletter, your native article is also pushed.

  • 3 times per week
  • 55.000 recipients
  • High click-through rate

Format: 600x120 px
Weight: Maximum 80kb. File format png, gif, jpg or similar

Advertising in print

Spread page410 x 275 + 5 mm52.900 sek
Full page205 x 275 + 5 mm34.400 sek
Half page horizontal205 x 135 + 5 mm24.700 sek
Half page standing98 x 275 + 5 mm24.700 sek
Quarter page lying205 x 67 + 5 mm14.200 sek
NumberMaterial deadlinePublication date
116 January3 January
213 february3 mars
313 March31 March
46 April28 April
58 May26 May
69 June26 June
714 August1 September
811 September29 September
99 October27 October
1013 November1 December

Ad material should be delivered in the PDF file format. Pictures and illustrations should be in CMYK (not decor colors, PMS or RGB). Pictures should be high resolution, ie in 300 dpi to be as good as possible in print. Cutting marks are used to make the ad properly installed. Text should be no closer than 5 mm from the page's cutting marks. Outcome of 5 mm on all sides about tone plates and images goes off the page's cutting moon.

Here you leave your ad:

Ladda ned som PNG